Posts celebrate World Immunization Day and National Infant Immunization Week

Post in English and Spanish recognized National Infant Immunization Week and World Immunization Week. Health departments, government entities, community organizations, media outlets, NGOs, and individuals emphasized the real-world impact of vaccines, promoted immunization guidelines, and highlighted local, national, and global vaccination efforts. 

Recommendation: While conversations about World Immunization Day and National Infant Immunization Week are unlikely to arise in a clinical setting, continuing to reiterate the importance of routine vaccination is recommended. Doctors may face questions about the necessity and safety of vaccines. Explaining that recent measles and pertussis outbreaks are due to declining vaccination rates and that routine immunizations are backed by decades of research and held to the highest safety standards is recommended. Additional messaging may emphasize that each year, millions of people safely receive vaccines that have saved millions of lives and spared generations from deadly and debilitating diseases that were once rampant. Learn more about recommended vaccines for adults and for children from the CDC.