Concerns about rising myocarditis rates circulate in Spanish-language media

Several Spanish-language social media posts are raising concerns about alleged increasing rates of myocarditis. One post featured U.S. media personalities falsely claiming that myocarditis is widespread and that half of young adults who experience myocarditis face permanent heart damage. Another post falsely claimed that myocarditis rates have surged by 900 percent since the first COVID-19 vaccines were approved.

Risk level: High

Recommendation: Myocarditis after vaccination is commonly cited by vaccine opponents to discourage vaccination. Doctors may face questions about the risk of developing myocarditis or other types of heart damage after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Talking points may emphasize that cases of post-vaccine myocarditis are extremely rare and usually mild. A COVID-19 infection is more likely to cause myocarditis than a COVID-19 vaccine, and those cases are typically more severe. Staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccines is a safe way to protect against myocarditis.