Vetoed Denver ordinance sparks debate about the outcomes of syringe services programs
And a harm reduction vending machine in New York received pushback and prompted questions about Narcan storage.

And a harm reduction vending machine in New York received pushback and prompted questions about Narcan storage.
This past week, social media users debated the impact of syringe services programs, or SSPs, after a Denver ordinance that would have allowed more SSPs to operate was vetoed by the city’s mayor. Plus, the installation of a harm reduction vending machine in New York prompted heated debate, with some critics falsely claiming that Narcan and drug test strips “enable” drug use. Others asked whether Narcan should be kept within a specific temperature range in order to remain effective.
In response, communicators may reiterate the benefits of SSPs and other harm reduction programs and explain how to store Narcan.

Insights brought to you by the reporters and science writers of Public Good News (PGN), a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to improving community health.
What’s trending nationally in conversations about opioids
On January 13, the Denver City Council approved an ordinance that would have allowed more syringe services programs to operate in the city. The following day, Denver’s mayor vetoed the ordinance, calling it “the wrong solution at the wrong time” and stating that Denver’s three existing SSPs should be able to meet the city’s demand. Social media users discussed the ordinance on multiple platforms, with some posts receiving hundreds of comments. Some expressed support for the ordinance, while others falsely claimed that SSPs “enable” drug use and increase syringe litter.
On January 15, local news outlets reported that a harm reduction vending machine had been installed outside of a fire station in Steuben County, New York. The vending machine offers free Narcan, fentanyl test strips, and xylazine test strips. A Facebook post sharing an article about the vending machine received approximately 5,600 views, 20 reactions, and 20 comments as of January 23. Nearly all comments expressed stigmatizing attitudes toward people who use drugs and falsely claimed that harm reduction programs “enable” drug use. A Facebook post sharing another article about the vending machine received approximately 14,300 views, 60 reactions, and 60 comments as of January 23. Comments were mixed, with some expressing support for harm reduction programs and others calling the initiative “ridiculous.” Some comments asked whether Narcan should be kept within a specific temperature range to preserve its effectiveness at reversing an overdose.

Recommendations brought to you by the health communication experts behind
Recommendations for public health professionals
Each week, the team will provide messaging recommendations in response to some of the trending narratives outlined above. These helpful tips can be used when creating content, updating web and FAQ pages, and developing strategy for messaging about opioids.
Persistent concerns about SSPs and other harm reduction programs show a need for ongoing education on the benefits of these programs. Messaging may emphasize that providing sterile syringes reduces the risk of contracting and spreading infectious disease like HIV and hepatitis C. SSPs also offer infectious disease testing and treatment, vaccinations, and referrals to care and have been shown to reduce syringe litter in the communities they serve. Harm reduction programs often offer tools like Narcan, which prevents overdose deaths by reversing the effects of opioids in people who are overdosing. Experts attribute the recent decline in overdose deaths to the availability of this lifesaving medication. Communicators may also want to share information about SSPs and other harm reduction programs in their area, including vending machines that offer harm reduction tools.
In response to questions about how to store Narcan, a brand name for naloxone, communicators may explain that Narcan works best when kept between 68 degrees Fahrenheit and 77 degrees Fahrenheit and away from direct sunlight. However, it’s unlikely that short-term exposure to colder and hotter temperatures would change its effectiveness. Frozen Narcan will not spray, but it will work normally once it has thawed at room temperature for 15 minutes. Recirculating information about how to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and how to use Narcan is recommended.