Former President takes anti-mandate stance and backs controversial children's book in California

A former U.S. president recently expressed his opposition to vaccine mandates at a California campaign event. He asserted his intention to withhold funding from California schools that implement vaccine and mask mandates if he is elected president next year. At a separate event in California, he also endorsed a children's book titled "I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK." This gesture was met with applause.

Risk level: Medium

Recommendation: These types of events promote vaccine hesitancy by presenting a narrative that vaccine mandates are motivated by authoritarianism rather than public health concerns. This particular event is especially relevant to parents who may have concerns about vaccinating their children against COVID-19 this fall. While questions about vaccine and mask mandates may not arise in a clinical setting, it is recommended that doctors be prepared for questions about the safety and efficacy of vaccines for children.