Michigan Senate passes bill to repeal immunity law for pharmaceutical companies

The Michigan Senate has passed Senate Bill 410. This bill would repeal Michigan's law granting drug manufacturers broad immunity from product liability claims if their products are approved by the FDA. Michigan is currently the only state with such a law, which has shielded pharmaceutical companies from liability claims. Social media users are questioning whether the bill applies to vaccines and could enable compensation for injuries resulting from COVID-19 vaccines. Some praised the decision as the right move, while others hoped for similar legislation in other states.

Risk level: Low

Recommendation: Social media posts about so-called vaccine “injuries” may promote vaccine hesitancy. While conversations about liability laws are unlikely to arise in a clinical setting, it is recommended doctors in Michigan be prepared for questions about vaccine safety. Talking points may emphasize that COVID-19 vaccines have been rigorously tested and monitored over three years and have been determined to be safe. The benefits of staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the risks, because getting vaccinated reduces the risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization, death, and long COVID.