Posts resurface ivermectin myths following FDA lawsuit settlement

The FDA recently settled a lawsuit with a group of doctors who sued the agency claiming it was interfering with their ability to practice medicine. The plaintiffs are known for spreading false information about vaccines. Ultimately, the court ruled that the FDA’s campaign slogan, “You are not a horse!” was misleading because humans can also use ivermectin, although only to treat parasitic infections. Following the lawsuit, social media posts in English and Spanish resurfaced myths about ivermectin, falsely claiming that it’s an effective treatment against COVID-19. 


This lawsuit and social media posts in response to the lawsuit may promote confusion about effective treatments for COVID-19. Ensuring that FAQ pages and informational materials are up to date on FDA-approved treatments for COVID-19 is recommended. Debunking messaging may emphasize that ivermectin is not effective in the treatment of COVID-19, and taking ivermectin for off-label purposes can result in poisoning.