Reddit post shares resource for determining suicide risk
Plus, popular social media posts on Reddit call attention to ADHD stigma.

Plus, new research finds that some adolescents need more emotional support.
This past week, online conversations about mental health focused on an illustrated guide depicting suicide risk and highlighted the need for more mental health assessment tools. Additionally, new research from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics prompted debate about adolescent mental health.
Social media users used words like “fragile” and “weak” to refer to adolescents expressing a need for emotional support, reflecting ongoing stigma against those who struggle with mental health.
These conversations provide an opportunity for public health communicators to educate the public about suicide warning signs, share mental health resources for adolescents and their caregivers, and ensure that all mental health messaging uses nonstigmatizing language.

Insights brought to you by the reporters and science writers of Public Good News (PGN), a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to improving community health.
What’s trending nationally in conversations about mental health
On July 20, a Reddit post sharing an illustrated guide to assessing suicide risk, which was created by a group of artists who lost a friend to suicide, garnered approximately 16,000 upvotes and 800 comments as of July 24. Most Reddit users who commented on the post, including those who identified themselves as mental health professionals, expressed gratitude for the illustrated guide, and many called the scale a “useful resource.” However, a few comments reflected stigma against those who openly discuss mental health online. One read, “This type of stuff always feels more like fuel for people to self diagnose and identify with a mental health issue on social media. See 90% of the comments here.”
On July 16, the National Center for Health Statistics published research concluding that more than half of adolescents surveyed reported that they receive the emotional support they need. However, female, Black, Hispanic, and LGBTQ+ adolescents reported lower rates of emotional support. Multiple news articles covered these findings and were shared across several social media platforms. One X post from the Washington Post received approximately 62,100 views, 15 reposts, 40 likes, and 30 comments as of July 24. Most comments on the post claimed that adolescents receive “too much” emotional support. One comment read, “Weak permissive parenting has created a generation of weak, emotionally fragile children.”

Recommendations brought to you by the health communication experts behind
Recommendations for public health professionals
Each week, the team will provide messaging recommendations in response to some of the trending narratives outlined above. These helpful tips can be used when creating content, updating web and FAQ pages, and developing strategy for messaging about mental health.
Trending conversations about suicide provide an opportunity for public health departments, community organizations, and other partners to recirculate existing content outlining suicide warning signs. Sharing suicide prevention resources—including the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline and local mental health centers—is recommended. Conversations about adolescent mental health provide an opportunity to share mental health resources for adolescents and for their parents and caregivers, particularly ahead of the back-to-school season. Learn more from NAMI. Ensuring that all mental health messaging uses nonstigmatizing language to discuss mental health conditions is also recommended. Learn more from Mental Health First Aid.