Social media post claims Oklahoma man died after doctors refused to treat his COVID-19 infection with ivermectin

Social media post claims Oklahoma man died after doctors refused to treat his COVID-19 infection with ivermectinA doctor with a large social media following shared a post claiming that an Oklahoma man died after doctors refused to treat his COVID-19 infection with ivermectin and instead treated him with remdesivir.


These types of posts may promote distrust in COVID-19 treatment options and may encourage people to seek out dangerous, unproven treatments for COVID-19. Ensuring that FAQ pages and informational materials are up to date on FDA-approved treatments for COVID-19 is recommended. Trending narratives on this topic also provide an opportunity to distribute existing informational content about approved treatments for COVID-19. Debunking messaging may emphasize that while vaccine opponents falsely claim that remdesivir kills COVID-19 patients, there is no evidence to support this claim. Additional messaging may emphasize that ivermectin has been proven ineffective at treating COVID-19 and is not FDA-approved for this purpose. Taking ivermectin for off-label purposes can result in poisoning.