Spanish-language article falsely claims that COVID-19 vaccines weaken immune system

A Spanish-language social media user shared an article falsely claiming that COVID-19 vaccines weaken the immune system. In the post, the user falsely claims, “The higher the [vaccine] dose, the greater the immunosuppression.” The article cites a recently published journal article about the general prevalence of immunosuppression in the U.S. that does not mention COVID-19 or vaccines in its abstract. 

Risk level: Medium

Recommendation: Social media posts falsely claiming that COVID-19 vaccines suppress the immune system may discourage patients from staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccines. Messaging may emphasize that claims have consistently been debunked. COVID-19 vaccines teach our immune systems how to respond to the virus. Staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccines prevents severe illness, death, hospitalization, and long COVID.