Vaccine safety claims surround Phoenix COVID-19 committee presentation

A recent presentation at the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee in Phoenix, Arizona, is gaining attention on social media. The event featured speakers who have advocated for unproven COVID-19 treatments and promoted religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. During the presentation, one speaker falsely attributed 600,000 deaths to the vaccine. Videos from the presentation are trending on social media.

Risk level: High

Recommendation: Social media posts and videos questioning the safety and efficacy of vaccines may promote vaccine hesitancy, especially when those posts and videos are coming from credentialed experts. It is recommended doctors in Arizona be prepared to answer questions about vaccine safety. Messaging may emphasize that COVID-19 vaccines have been rigorously tested and monitored over three years and have been determined to be safe. Staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations substantially reduces the risk of dying from COVID-19, of COVID-19-related hospitalization, and of long COVID.