Washington pathologist raises concerns about COVID-19 vaccines and adverse effects

A Washington-based pathologist has raised concerns about the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. In a circulating interview, he falsely claims that the spike protein in the vaccine causes severe damage. He also mentions that he has prescribed unapproved treatments like ivermectin with what he claims to be positive results. The pathologist expresses concern about the lack of long-term trials for vaccine safety—particularly regarding carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, and reproductive harm—and warns against upcoming mRNA RSV, and flu vaccines, arguing that the vaccines have not been adequately tested.

Risk level: Medium

Recommendation: False claims about adverse vaccine effects may deter patients from getting the updated COVID-19 vaccine this fall, especially when those claims are coming from a medical expert. It is recommended doctors be prepared for questions about adverse reactions to vaccines and whether the benefits of vaccination outweigh any potential risks for patients. This video may also perpetuate the false claim that ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19. It is recommended doctors be prepared for patient questions about ivermectin, emphasize that ivermectin has not been shown to treat COVID-19, and advise patients that taking ivermectin for this purpose can result in poisoning.